New fostering scheme needs you

Swansea families can now apply to be part of a new fostering scheme which will give them all the support they need to help youngsters needing extra care.

Foster Swansea has embarked on a major recruitment campaign for Therapeutic Foster Carers to give youngsters with behaviour which requires specialised help a chance to live with a family in their home town.

This foster scheme is a first for the area because of the multi-agency support both Therapeutic Foster Carers and the youngsters they support will have.

Therapeutic Foster Carers will receive specialised training, an enhanced fostering fee equal to £24,000 per year and a fostering allowance to provide for the young person.

Therapeutic Foster Carers will have support and access to a team of fostering, social services, health and education experts.

They will also have support and access to a team of health therapy professionals led by a consultant clinical psychologist and will receive additional support from an allocated support worker to secure access to education.

Cllr Nick Tregoning, Swansea Council Cabinet Member  for Social Services, said: “The scheme has been developed by Swansea Council Social Services in close cooperation with its partners in health and education. The idea is that young people who have challenging and difficult behaviour and might otherwise be placed out of Swansea or in a children’s home can be fostered here. It just goes to show what can be done when agencies work together.

“Clearly the role is a challenging one but families who sign up to this scheme will be playing a vital and rewarding role in enabling these young people to have the best possible care in a local family setting .”

Kelly Harsant, Foster Swansea Business Development Officer, said: “With a rise of 39% in the population of looked-after children in Swansea in the past year Foster Swansea’s Make a World of Difference and Foster campaign is about attracting a whole range of foster carers for children with a wide variety of needs.

“We’re delighted that as part of this campaign we can now also recruit carers for our exciting new Therapeutic Foster Carer scheme for young people who have particularly challenging and difficult behaviour too.

“We have great hopes for this scheme which will see Therapeutic Foster Carers supported by a multi-agency team including health and education specialists.

“To be a Therapeutic Foster Carer you must live in the Swansea area and have the experience, qualifications or capability to care for young people who exhibit challenging and difficult behaviour. Those interested must also have no children under the age of 16 residing within the household.”

Anyone interested in Therapeutic Fostering or other types of fostering should contact Foster Swansea by calling 01792 533200 or visiting


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