New Grant available through the Family Information Service

Caerphilly Family Information Service offers local information on children and young people’s leisure and sports activities, childcare and services for families.

A new grant is available through the Family Information Service. Its purpose is to support groups and clubs e.g. uniformed groups, arts and leisure activity groups etc in the purchase of equipment. Applications will be considered on a first come first served basis and the Panel’s decision will be final.

This grant is for the purchase of equipment up to the value of £80 and subject to availability. Groups must be registered with the Family Information Service. All groups offering services to children and young people aged 0-25 years within Caerphilly county borough may apply.

To request an Application Form contact the Family Information Service on (01443) 86 32 32. For more information about the service try or e-mail on [email protected]

Closing date for completed applications will be 4pm on Monday 28th February, 2011.


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