New image for nursery

The Puddleducks Nursery playground in Tenby has got a brand new look – thanks to the Sixth Form Pathways group from Greenhill School.

The students have spent the last few months planning, designing and decorating the play area.

The unique design features a Learning Zone, with large cut-out numbers and animals, and a giant alphabet with English and Welsh words.

The group have also painted a roadway on the ground – which the toddlers can navigate around with their toy cars – and also created a sensory herb garden.

The Pathways group applied to Pembrokeshire Youthbank for funding of almost £500 and this grant was supplemented with generous donations from Tenby Lions and Tenby Town Council.

Pembrokeshire Youthbank is a youth-run grant-giving project to which young people can apply for grants to fund projects which benefit other young people or the community.

The new playground was officially opened on Tuesday 8th June, when a launch party was held to celebrate the new facilities.

Pembrokeshire YouthBank representative at the event, Tom Stewart-Walvin, said: “It’s fantastic to see the grant money has been used for such a worthwhile cause and I’m really pleased with the results of this project.”

Pembrokeshire County Council Cabinet Member, David Simpson, who attend the opening, said the Greenhill students were to be congratulated on their work.

The Pathways group carry out a number of community-based projects around the Tenby area each year.  They gain valuable experience and qualifications from their involvement in this work.

Photograph: Councillor David Simpson with members of the Pathway group and Puddleduck toddlers.

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