New infobase is launched for Bridgend County Borough

Bridgend Local Service Board has launched a new website featuring useful information about Bridgend County Borough and its residents.

Called the Bridgend County InfoBase, the website contains data, information and evidence designed to allow local organisations to work together, identify local needs and plan services more effectively.

The website can also be used by members of the public who are interested in knowing more about the county borough and the community in which they live.

Commissioned by the Bridgend Local Service Board, the Bridgend County InfoBase has been developed and maintained by the Local Government Data Unit.

Jo Farrar, Chair of the Bridgend Local Service Board, said: “The Bridgend County InfoBase is designed to provide organisations and individuals with easy access to a wide range of information and statistics for communities throughout the county borough.

“It covers a wide range of themes including people, the economy, education, health, housing and crime. A range of useful publications and reports are available, and the site also provides links to partner organisations.

“We will be looking to increase the type and amount of local data that is available at the site, and we are developing a ‘log in’ option which will allow agencies to share sensitive information in order to provide joined-up services for people in the County Borough.”

The Bridgend Local Service Board brings together local organisations and integrates services throughout Bridgend County Borough. It features organisations including Environment Agency Wales, South Wales Police, Bridgend Local Health Board, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, Bridgend County Borough Council and Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations.

Visit the Bridgend County InfoBase at

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