New look for Cowbridge Library

Cowbridge Library reopened on 1 February 2011 with a fresh, modern look following extensive refurbishment works completed thanks to a grant from the Welsh Assembly Government and contributions from the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

The library has been completely redecorated inside and out and now boasts a new IT suite, a separate children’s area and new self-service equipment as well as general updating of facilities including upgraded lighting and new shelving and furniture.

Cllr Gordon Kemp, Leader of the Vale Council, and Cllr Anthony Hampton, cabinet member for education and lifelong learning, joined staff in declaring the new-look, modern library open.

Cllr Kemp said: “The library in Cowbridge is very well used, with visits increasing by about 40 per cent in the last seven years. Not only have these works created a more comfortable environment for the library’s users, cowbridge librarythere’s now a more flexible space for running activities and events as well as allowing for an increased range of services.

“The introduction of self-service machines will also enable the library staff to focus even more on helping customers and providing a whole range of activities to be expected in a library today.”

Cllr Anthony Hampton, cabinet member for education and lifelong learning, added: “It really is wonderful to see the new facilities on offer. Now residents will be able to pick up a book, access the internet, take computer classes and more, all in the comfort of the new surroundings; while local schools will be able to bring classes to visit thanks to the separate children’s area. It’s an essential community resource.”

For more information on library services across the Vale visit their library pages.

Photograph: The new look Cowbridge Library

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