New order on bovine TB

The Minister for Rural Affairs, Elin Jones has laid legislation to further strengthen the Welsh Assembly Government’s aim to eradicate bovine TB from Wales.

The Tuberculosis (Wales) Order 2010 introduces a number of changes to pre-movement testing for cattle and links the compensation paid to cattle keepers for animals slaughtered as a result of Bovine TB to good practice and compliance with the testing system.

Elin Jones said:

“Over the past three years, we have developed a comprehensive programme to eradicate bovine TB across Wales.  We are tackling bovine TB in cattle by identifying and getting rid of the disease at an earlier stage. We are doing this through increased testing and pre-movement  testing, improving farm practices and biosecurity, and reviewing our policies and legislation so that they support our aim of eradicating the disease.

“We cannot afford to leave this serious problem to escalate. We have committed ourselves to a long-term approach in tackling and eradicating bovine TB.”

The Order is intended to come into force on 25 May 2010.

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