New Parking Regulationd for Tredegar Town Centre

Police in Tredegar have now employed new measures to combat congestion problems within the town centre. The ongoing issue has seen complaints off both businesses and consumers in Tredegar as the town centre is often grounded to a halt due to blocked parking bays.

Illegal and inconsiderate parking in the Tredegar Town centre has been an issue for many years which has caused much frustration and difficulty for locals, visitors, traders, disabled persons, goods vehicles, police and the local authority.

In order to address the parking issues, the Blaenau Gwent Local Authority has recently completed a works program to redesign the area with new parking bays, disabled bays and goods delivery bays.

The areas, shown below, are to be strictly controlled with the necessary legislative powers:

  • Goods bays are for goods vehicles to load and unload.  This will preclude any other vehicle from using the goods bays.  Use is restricted to half hour load / unloading time.
  • Normal parking bays are half hour waiting no return within 2 hours.
  • Disabled bays are 1 hour no return within 2 hours.

New and clear signage is now in place to reinforce the parking regulations. Gwent Police have recently been working to educate people to use the bays correctly through Police surgeries, leaflet drops, local advertisements in retail outlets, and community meeting points.  The next stage to be taken by Gwent Police Officers and Community Support Officers will be to proactively enforce any breaches of the parking regulations.

Neighbourhood Policing Team Sergeant for Tredegar, Sgt Robert Petrie says: ‘The Tredegar Neighbourhood Policing team have been and still are working hard to support businesses in the town. It is also equally important to ensure the free flow of traffic in the area. We want to make sure people still have access to the shops at the same time alleviating the congestion caused by the old system, we will not tolerate illegal or inconsiderate parking.’

‘This is the result of a partnership approach between Gwent police, local businesses and the local authority. We want a system that will work well for everyone but at the same time we need to highlight that people found contravening the new regulations can expect to be issued with a fixed penalty.’

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