New Petition Aims to End Non-Stun Slaughter in Wales

RSPCARSPCA Cymru has joined forces with the British Veterinary Association (BVA) to launch a new petition calling on the Welsh Government to end exemptions for slaughter without stunning in Wales.

Current law in Wales requires animals to be stunned before slaughter, but exemptions exist for certain communities. Scientific evidence, however, shows non-stun slaughter compromises animal welfare.

A petition is to be launched at the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show on Monday (July 21st); urging the Welsh Government to end these exemptions and ensure an end to slaughter without stunning in Wales.

RSPCA Cymru’s Steve Carter said: “Non-stun slaughter compromises animal welfare.

“The Welsh Government has the power to end this practice in Wales – and we hope this petition will demonstrate to them the strength of feeling which exists across the nation.

“We are delighted to work with the BVA on this key issue, It is hoped our joint efforts will ultimately ensure an end to a practice which can cause suffering to Wales’ farm animals.”

Rob Davies, President of the BVA Welsh Branch, added: “Concern about welfare of animals at slaughter is one of the top priorities for our members and we have long advocated an end to non-stun slaughter.

“The BVA’s HM Government e-petition has already attracted over 70,000 signatures which demonstrates just how important this issue is to consumers. We hope that veterinary surgeons and the general public get behind the campaign to tell Welsh Government that we don’t want non-stun slaughter in Wales.”

A number of other countries – including Sweden, Latvia and New Zealand – have already implemented such a ban. Supporters can also sign the petition online at

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