New rock school starting in January

In January 2011, The Gathering, a new youth music industry development scheme for Bridgend County Borough is starting a 30 week music course for solo and band musicians aged 14 years plus.

Organised by Bridgend County Borough Council’s Arts and Community Development and Bridgend College, the workshops start on Wednesday 5 January from 7.30pm – 10pm at the KPC Youth building off Pyle Inn Way, Pyle.

Tutored by Phil Jones, Bridgend College music lecturer and lead singer of respected local band SEX, everyone completing the course will gain a national accreditation in Live Performance.

Bridgend County Borough
Council’s Arts Development Officer and one of the co-ordinators of The Gathering, Andre van Wyk said: “This is a great opportunity to develop new skills, mix with like minded people and gain an accreditation at the same time. They will also have the great opportunity to showcase what they have learnt in a show at The Grand Pavilion in Porthcawl.”

Supported by the Grand Pavilion, Bridgend College’s Creative Arts Department, Arts Council of Wales and Rockschool – Europe’s number one rock and pop music exam board, from Grade exams to Diplomas, where everyone can get a recognised qualification playing the music they love, numbers are limited to only 20 places. Admission will be only £1 per person, each week. To register, visit or for further details call (01656) 642688.


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