New roundabout in Margam

Contractors Costain, who are building the final link of the peripheral distributor road in Port Talbot, are about to begin constructing the new roundabout in Margam.

Now called Harbour Way, the £107 million road will connect the completed Harbourside Road phase at Afan Way to the A48 close to junction 38 of the M4.

It is the largest transport project in Wales and is funded by European grant and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Work is due to start next Sunday (10th April). This will mean the inside lane of the A48 (westbound) at Junction 38 will be closing while construction of the new roundabout is underway.

The lane will be closed from the existing roundabout off the M4 (the roundabout that leads to the crematorium), reopening just before the road reaches the Margam roundabout (which leads to the westbound slip road of the M4)

The closure is expected to last until next January.

Costain’s Project Manager, John Skentelbury, said, “The works are necessary for the construction of the new roundabout and access to the eastern end of the Harbour Way project.

“It is essential that during these works we ensure the safety of the road users and the workforce, whilst keeping disruption to a minimum.”

Director of Environment, John Flower, added, “We are sensitive to the needs of visitors to the crematorium nearby and every effort will be made to ensure the least disruption.

“Once complete, Harbour Way will make a huge difference to the flow of traffic bringing benefits for everyone.

“It is a strategic road improvement linking some key employment sites and will open up development potential along the waterfront area.

“As well as being an attractive gateway to Port Talbot, it will kickstart the Council’s ambitious regeneration plans for other developments such as Aberavon Seafront and Port Talbot Parkway Station.”

Residents are reminded that a purpose built visitor centre is open every Wednesday from 1pm – 6pm where an exhibition showing the route of the new road is on display as well as a DVD showing a virtual ‘fly through’ of the completed project.

Up to date information can also be viewed by visiting

Any resident who has any questions or queries about the ongoing work can contact the 24 hour helpline 0800 0324 766

The quarterly newsletter ‘Harbour Way News’ is available free of charge at Port Talbot library, Civic Centres and the Visitor Centre in North Bank Road. The next issue is due out in May.


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