New School Construction Procurement Arrangements for North Wales

FlintshireLocal communities will benefit from new procedures for appointing school construction building contractors.

The North Wales Schools and Public Buildings Contractor Framework procurement process is being launched and will be used for the appointment of contractors for major construction work over £4.35m.

Flintshire County Council is spending £64m on its 21st century school programme over the next four years and being part of this framework ensures value for money on new school buildings alongside benefits to the local community.

The framework guarantees the building companies will deliver community benefits including training and employment targets including a shared apprentice scheme; a fair payment charter to promote and encourage payment of sub contractors; opportunities for developing supported businesses; educational entitlement including work placements; supplying Jobcentre Plus work experience programmes and community initiatives as well as opening up opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to bid for work.

Work is already underway building a new £6.4m primary school in Shotton and the Council is currently planning for a £30m school complex in Holywell, a new all-through school in Queensferry and a new sixth form hub in Connah’s Quay.

Councillor Chris Bithell, Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning said:

“The idea behind a pre-qualified group of contractors is to enable the Authority to use the firms without having to go through a lengthy and expensive tendering process, saving on time and costs. Not only are the contractors assigned in a fair way, they maximise benefits to the local community, sustain economic development and deliver environmentally sound buildings whilst creating jobs and apprenticeships.

“The new schools will set the standards for Flintshire’s education and inspire a whole generation of children.”

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