New school garden blooms at Hakin

An unique garden designed and created by pupils of Hakin Junior School and their families has been officially unveiled to the public recently.

Complete with handmade benches, decking and a variety of flower beds, the colourful garden has taken six months to complete.

It was opened last Thursday by Councillor Huw George, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People, Learning and the Welsh Language.

Councillor George said it had been wonderful to see the garden blossom over the months.

“Not only does the school now have a new garden, but the process of creating it has also drawn pupils, staff and parents together and been a learning experience for all,” he said.

Work on developing the garden was co-ordinated by Springboard – a community project supported by Pembrokeshire County Council and Communities First and Wales Council for Voluntary Action.

Springboard organised workshops in carpentry, painting and decoration – for both parents and their children – to transform the former unused piece of land into the peaceful garden.

This included the growing of plants in tubs and the decoration of walls with mosaics and murals of birds and sea creatures, made by the children and parents together.

Headteacher Nick Dyer praised Springboard for making the transformation of the garden a reality.”When we were planning for our centenary year in 2009, the children right across the school wanted to create a garden which could be used for science lessons and as a peaceful ‘haven’ in the summer months,” he said.

“But it wasn’t until Springboard became involved in the school that their designs and dreams could become real.

“Thanks to them we are now left with more than a garden – we have a community working together and feeling good about learning, whatever age they may be. It has also been exciting to see the pupils’ creativity inspired and celebrated so strikingly.”

“I am extremely grateful to everyone who worked so hard on the project.”

The official opening of the garden included the presentation of certificates by Springboard tutors to the parents and children who completed the various courses, accompanied by carols from the school choir.

The event was followed by a Christmas Fayre organised by Springboard for the school, with a variety of Christmas-themed workshops and light Christmas refreshments.

Springboard works in Monkton, Hakin, and Pembroke Dock to engage local people in free activities that will enable them to learn new skills, enjoy new experiences and progress onto further learning or employment.


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