New show at Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw

Janaury 23 sees the opening of a new exhibtion at Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw, Llanbedrog, Pwllheli.

Gareth Parry RCA, Elfyn Lewis and Niki Pilkington will be showing works at this progressive gallery. Visit for more information.

The exhibition runs until April 3 2011.

Gareth Parry RCA
Gareth Parry has exhibited with Plas Glyn y Weddw for over ten years and also regularly exhibits at the Tinney Gallery Cardiff and at the Thackeray Gallery London. He has collections at the National Library of Wales, Coutts & co, Gwynedd Council and many notable private collections worldwide. “My work is increasingly about effect and mood rather than place. There is an emphasis on paint as a means of expression; it is in itself as important as the subject.

Elfyn Lewis

Elfyn Lewis ‘Welsh Artist of the year 2010 and National Eisteddfod Gold Medal Winner 2009’ is one of Wales’ most determined and hard working artist. “My work has become about enjoying the paint itself. I’m feeling a real passion for the paint and painting process.” “There is an almost edible scrumptiousness about his paint” Iwan Bala

Niki Pilkington
It’s like high definition illustration, delicate and precise, her subjects are etched into the viewer in perfect monochrome” Illustration Rally 2010 This local freelance illustrator and designer produces not only stunning pencil portraits that perfectly captures personality, but has also created commissions for big names such as lactofree and Paul McCartney. Niki is a fresh new talent that the Gallery is proud to introduce as their newest gallery artist.


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