New voice for Gower

Brighter stars and better designed homes are on the agenda at a new forum helping to preserve and keep Gower as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The newly formed Gower AONB Partnership is holding the very first annual forum on 24 January and will carry out the first five-year review of the AONB Management Plan which Swansea Council published in 2006.

Since the plan was published a number of initiatives detailed in the plan have been introduced to help preserve Gower and help keep it attractive for the millions of visitors who flock there each year.

One of the initiatives already having an affect is the introduction of the Lighting Scheme Guidance which was introduced to cut down on light pollution in Gower at night time.

The benefit of the guidance means that residents and visitors to Gower can enjoy the starry night skies without being affected by light pollution.

Another element of the plan includes the introduction of a Design Guide.  The aim is to produce a practical, easy to understand document which shows how to achieve developments which are well designed, sustainable, and which conserve and enhance Gower’s built heritage and landscape.

John Hague Cabinet Member for the Environment will chair the new Gower AONB Partnership.

Cllr Hague said: “Gower is a special destination within Swansea and requires us all to work together to ensure we preserve and improve its wonderful features.

“The annual forum is an exciting new venture for Gower and is part of partnership approach adopted by the Council in 2010. It is similar to arrangements in other AONBs and will provide new opportunities for community involvement in countryside management.”

The Gower AONB Partnership replaces the previous Gower Countryside Forum and will include 18 members from Swansea Council, the Countryside Council for Wales and other partnership organisations.

The annual forum will elect members to the partnership and they will be responsible for implementing the AONB Management Plan.

Anyone with and interest in Gower and how it is managed as an AONB can attend the annual forum which will be held Oxwich & Penrice Village Hall at 7pm on 24 January.


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