New wooden footbridge completed in a Site of Special Scientific Interest

A new five metre wooden footbridge in the Alyn Valley Woods, Cilcain, has been completed by Flintshire County Council with the help of funding from the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW).

The bridge has been built over a stream situated on a path known as Public Footpath 51. The path is within a European protected Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and part of a Special Area of Conservation at Aber Eilun, Loggerheads. It is also within the Clwydian Range Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. A new stile has also been built.

Jon Hill, the Council’s Rights of Way inspector, said:

“The Alyn Valley Woods is a wonderful area to explore and the bridge and stile are great additions to this particular section of the path. Before the bridge was built, the only means of crossing the stream was by stepping stones, which made it impossible to cross in the winter. I’d like to thank Harrison Fencing, who were the nominated Council approved contractor who carried out the work, for doing such a great job.”

The Countryside Council for Wales granted permission to carry out the specified work and to ensure that this did not have an adverse affect on the above named sites. The bridge and stile are both made completely of wood, so that they are in keeping with the surrounding environment.

Nick Thomas, North Wales operations manager for the CCW, said:

“The Countryside Council for Wales is pleased to be able to support this link in such a beautiful wood, which will help everyone to explore the local countryside.”

The bridge work has also had the support of the Ramblers. Ron Williams, North Wales Area Footpath Secretary said:

“Many streams and rivers have footpaths that cross them using stepping stones instead of footbridges. The majority of these do not pose a real problem to the fit and young walkers. However, older people can have a problem using the stepping stones. This particular crossing was easy to cross for most of the time but after even a short sharp shower the crossing was much more difficult and at times impassable.

“The Ramblers welcome the construction of this bridge which is near to the Loggerheads Country Park, an area which is extremely popular with walkers.”

Photograph: Nick Thomas (CCW), Sam Charlton (FCC), Jon Hill (FCC), Ron Williams (The Ramblers)

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