Newport City centre development

Newport City Council is now preparing to move to the next important stage in its plans for a multi-million pound new city centre shopping scheme.

Officers will spend the next couple of weeks considering the formal expressions of interest it has received from developers.

A shortlist will be drawn up and submitted to the cabinet sub-group for approval in January.

“We are delighted with the level of interest shown in this project which is a key priority for the council,” said Councillor Matthew Evans, leader of the council.

“We have done everything we can to get a developer on board as quickly as possible following strict European regulations. However, we are confident that we will be able to take a partner on in July.

“We know the Newport scheme is an attractive proposition because so much of the groundwork has already been done – the council has acquired all the properties in the development area and much of the infrastructure, such as road improvements, are in place.”

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