Newport projects set to Inspire

Two Newport City Council projects aimed at getting people active in the run up to the London 2012 Games have been granted the prestigious Inspire mark by the London 2012 Inspire programme.

The London 2012 Inspire programme recognises innovative and exceptional projects that are directly inspired by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The projects include Newport Active Tots, a series of fun activities, play and sports designed to help young children develop their physical skills and Active Newport 7/27, which offers people the chance to try 27 different sports in the seven months leading up to the start of the 2012 Games.

Seb Coe, Chair of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games said: ‘The Inspire programme is ensuring the legacy of the 2012 Games starts now as projects like Newport Active Tots and Active Newport 7/27 are enabling people in Newport to make positive life changes.’

Newport Active Tots introduces under fives to their first taste of sports such as cycling, football, tennis and swimming, as well as play activities to practice skills such as co-ordination and balance in a fun environment.

Active Newport 7/27 will involve linking up with local sports clubs to offer residents the chance to try a whole range activities such as athletics, football, swimming, archery, fencing, mountain biking, track cycling, synchronised swimming, shooting, handball, water polo, canoeing, badminton, basketball, triathlon, boccia and wheelchair tennis.

Deputy leader of Newport City Council and cabinet member for leisure and culture, councillor Mike Hamilton, said: “We are honoured to receive the Inspire mark for there two fantastic Newport projects.

“We hope they will inspire people in Newport to get active and inspired ready for the 2012 Games.”

For more information on either of these projects and to find out how you can get involved visit


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