Newport Transport Strategy

Transport plays a central role in everyone’s lives, providing access to a range of vital services and facilities, as well as employment, education and leisure opportunities.

To reflect this importance, in 2004 the council prepared a strategy of measures to enhance transport over a 15 year period.

Many of these have since been delivered including the City Bridge, the new railway station and new cycle routes.

There have been a number of changes in the city and South Wales since the strategy was published, including changing employment patterns, new developments and regeneration projects.

As a result, the council is keen to obtain your views to assist it refresh the existing strategy to meet the challenges of the next 10 years.

If you would like to help with the strategy visit and complete the short online questionnaire.

Alternatively, collect a questionnaire from the receptions of Newport Central Library in John Frost Square or Newport Civic Centre. Paper copies can be also be obtained by contacting Simon Nicholls on 01633 463412.

The closing date for responses is Friday, 26 November 2010.


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