News from Riverside Market

Welcome to Early Autumn, good food fans! But – as always, there are compensations..

The Untapped Brewing Company is owned and run by Owen Davies and Martyn Darby. They said: “our true passion as we believe that we can produce a range of handcrafted beers that will be consistent in quality and accessable to all. We have achieved this through teaming up with another brewery -‘Whittingtons‘ who have allowed us to use their facilities for us to produce our own range of beers.

“So, although we are currently a brewing company without our own brewery we are still able to produce our range of excellent bottle conditioned ales. We have started off our range with our two core beers. They are ‘Sundown’ a light delicate golden ale (4.0%) & Eclipse a darker, fuller flavoured ale (4.4%) Both these beers are brewed, bottled and labelled by ourselves and are naturally bottle-conditioned. We have plans to develop the range further to do seasonal beer’s and cider also…Our aim is for own brewery to based in the South Wales area, (Cardiff to Monmouth area) but for now we will continue to create a range of fantastic real ales for all to enjoy…” “.

“Hafod is a traditional hard cheese handmade by Sam and Rachel Holden on Wales’ longest certified organic dairy farm, Bwlchwernen Fawr.

They told us: “We only use the raw (unpasteurised) milk from our 65 Ayrshire cows to make Hafod. Ayrshire milk is rich in butterfat and protein, and is widely regarded as being ideally suited to cheesemaking. It is this unique combination of creamy organic Ayrshire milk and traditional cheesemaking techniques that give Hafod its buttery, rich and nutty flavours.

“The name – Hafod (pronounced Havod) – is Welsh for summer place or pasture. In the farm’s case, Hafod is an area of meadow next to the river Aeron where all the cows graze as heifers before joining the milking herd.
Bwlchwernen Fawr has been farmed organically for 35-years, by Sam’s father Patrick Holden, Director of the Soil Association.”

The Riverside Market Fair Trade tea and coffee stall is now selling the fabulous Just Change Tea in India. (Steve visited their plantations last year – their approach to direct marketing from producer to consumer is really ‘the fairest of the fair” and the tea is fantastic!)
For more info about the Just Change Tea see

They’re now running the RCMA van on this stuff – and it doesn’t make he exhaust smell of chips after all!!

Steve told us: “Since 2004, Sundance Renewables has been producing quality fuel at the first community based biodiesel production plant in the UK. This not for profit workers co-operative and award-winning social enterprise has pioneered local production of biodiesel from recycled vegetable oil, and collects used vegetable oil as a free community service from local small businesses and civic amenity sites, converting it into a low-emissions alternative to diesel.”

Sundance added:

“Biodiesel is a great way to shrink your carbon footprint.. did you know that biodiesel emits less than 40g/km of CO2 – which is significantly less than the average figures for tailpipe emissions of new cars of around 120g/km. And using recycled oil to make it means it’s practically carbon neutral! This means Sundance Community Fuel has the potential to significantly reduce Wales’s carbon footprint. In addition, when used in standard diesel engines, its use results in significant reductions for pollutants such as carbon monoxide, particulates, sulphates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, reducing the associated health risks.

“We have recently undertaken the regeneration of a biorefinery in Tredegar in the Heads of the Valleys, which has been a very ambitious step, requiring a big expansion in production which has stretched us to the limit since we’ve had no grant aid or government assistance. However this planned expansion could replace a further 20 million road miles annually and over 4,800,000kg CO2 annually (~20 tonnes/day)– which would be quite significant for Wales.
Sundance is owned and managed by its workers. We have a good supply of fuel now, and have kept our price at 94.5p per litre, so it won’t cost the earth, either! If you can’t get here, you can call us to arrange free delivery- we travel quite extensively collecting oil, and can arrange a delivery every so often to most areas.
You can find us at Capel Hendre Industrial Estate, Ammanford SA18 3SJ,
or get in touch on 01269 842401 or at

Riverside Market takes place ever Sunday from10am – 2pm on Fitzhamon Embankment, Cardiff CF11 6AN


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