‘NHS in Wales is often getting the Basics Wrong’ – Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Kirsty Williams

Commenting on the evidence Ann Clwyd MP gave today to the Health Committee, Kirsty Williams, leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said:

“Ann Clwyd’s evidence today once again highlighted that many hospitals in Wales are getting the basics wrong.  That is exactly why  it is essential my ‘More Nurses’ bill becomes a reality so that we have safe staff nursing levels in our hospitals.  Nurses in Wales are under huge pressure, with more patients to care for than any other part of the UK.

“While she may have conducted a review into the English NHS, Ann Clwyd still received a large amount of information from Welsh patients.  For that reason it was entirely right that she was asked to give evidence today.  It’s disappointing that Labour continuously tried to block her from giving evidence.  Many in Labour have tried to paint Ann Clwyd as a villain; they don’t seem to realise that problems in our NHS will never be sorted out if the Welsh Government continues to ignore criticisms.

“The NHS complaints system must be improved.  Many patients and NHS staff feel their voices aren’t being heard and they are often left feeling helpless.  That simply can’t continue.  Lessons must be learnt and the NHS must be open to constructive criticism.”


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