Nick Signs Up to MS Campaign

Nick_RamsayMonmouth AM Nick Ramsay has signed up to the MS Society’s Treat Me Right campaign, which is fighting to improve access to MS treatments across the UK.

Speaking on Wednesday, Nick said: “Sadly, there are more than 4,000 people living with MS in Wales and many in our local community who are affected by this life changing condition.

“In fact, it was a constituent from Monmouth who invited me to support the campaign, which is calling on all those involved in MS to make sure they are getting access to the right treatment, whatever their situation and wherever they live.

“The campaign’s goals are to ensure that all licensed MS treatments are made available on the NHS to those who need them; that everyone with MS should be invited for regular reviews of their treatment and care by MS specialists; that in the light of at least one, possibly three, new DMD options becoming available this year, people with relapsing MS should be informed about all their options and invited to discuss them with a specialist, and that all people with MS should be informed of their options and supported to be equal partners in decision-making about their treatment.

“This campaign has my wholehearted support. Getting the right treatment can make a huge difference to people’s lives and it is vitally important that people living with MS are aware of all the options and treatments available to them.”

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