NPT Foster Carers Honoured at Annual Awards

The invaluable work carried out by Neath Port Talbot Foster Carers has once again been recognised with an annual awards event at The Coach House, Neath Abbey.

In Neath Port Talbot a total of 111 mainstream foster carer households provide care for 152 children and young people, ranging in ages from 0 to 17 from varied backgrounds and experiences but all need a caring, loving, secure and stable homes to reside in.

A quote from a NPT Foster Carer: “We foster to make a difference to a child’s life by bringing love, security and a sense of self confidence and self esteem in preparing the child for the rest of their lives.  We get immense support from our NPT fostering social worker and have a great family support network of friends who are also foster carers.”

The awards were presented by Leader of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Ali Thomas. Amongst those honoured were Marlene and Nolan Williams celebrating 25 years service, Philip and Elaine Morgan and Patricia Huey who all received recognition for 20 years of fostering children needing a home.

Council Leader Ali Thomas said “These annual awards are a tribute to the hard work and commitment of NPT’s dedicated foster carers and fostering team. Foster carers make a huge contribution to these young people’s lives. We believe all children are entitled to a family life. Fostering provides a positive alternative for a child until they can return home. The more foster carers we are able to attract, the more choices we can offer children and their families.”

Choosing to foster is a big decision. If you are interested in becoming a foster carer please contact:

NPT Fostering Team
Tel: 01639 685866
E-mail: [email protected]

Photograph: Council Leader Ali Thomas and Foster Carer Doreen Thomas
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