Oakdale boy is latest to receive an ASBO

A Caerphilly county borough boy is the latest to receive an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) after a catalogue of anti-social behaviour in and around his community.

Harrison Williams, aged 13, from Llwynon Crescent, Oakdale, was given a two year ASBO by Cwmbran Magistrates Youth Court on 10th May 2011 after a series of anti-social incidents dating back to the end of 2009.

Williams frequently displayed anti-social, nuisance and aggressive behaviour in and around the Oakdale area of Caerphilly county borough.

Despite numerous interventions as part of the Safer Caerphilly Community Safety Partnership’s well-established ‘four strikes’ intervention process, Harrison’s behaviour continued.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Order prevents Harrison Williams, anywhere within the Caerphilly County Borough Council area from:

  • Acting or inciting others to act in an anti-social manner, that is to say, a manner that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household
  • Shouting or swearing at any person in a public place
  • Causing damage to any property not belonging to him
  • Throwing any object at any person, property or vehicle, other than when playing any sport or game
  • Carrying or consuming alcohol in a public place
  • Being drunk in a public place
  • Entering Oakdale Library, Central Buildings, Oakdale
  • Entering the area known as ‘Oakdale Square’ or the streets directly surrounding Oakdale Square, namely Central Buildings and Aberconway Place, or any of the shops situated within this area, unless accompanies by a family member aged 18 years or over

Cllr Rob Gough, Cabinet Member for Public Protection said, “We take instances of anti-social behaviour very seriously, and are not afraid to use the enforcement powers available to us when necessary to ensure that our residents can live their lives in peace and quiet”.

He continued, “I sincerely hope the action taken by the courts in granting this Anti-Social Behaviour Order will act as a deterrent to others who feel it is acceptable to behave in an anti-social manner. We will not tolerate such behaviour – it is as simple as that”.

Crime and Disorder Reduction Officer for Blackwood Neighbourhood Policing Team, Gareth Jones, said: “Harrison Williams made a significant impact on the quality of life for residents and businesses in the Oakdale area.  The behaviour Harrison displayed and his disregard for others necessitated an application for an anti-social behaviour order to be made”.

He continued, “I hope that the granting of this order shows the commitment of the police and its partners to tackle anti-social behaviour. It is important that if the community witness any breaches of this order they report it to the police as a priority.”

The Safer Caerphilly Community Safety Partnership is a multi-agency organisation, whose statutory bodies are Caerphilly County Borough Council, Gwent Police, South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Gwent Police Authority and Wales Probation Trust. It works to reduce levels of crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime in the local area.

Residents suffering from anti-social behaviour are encouraged to report this to Gwent Police. Victim Support is also there to provide support on 0845 30 30 900.

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