Officer attempts solo 450-mile charity bike ride

A South Wales Police officer is attempting a solo bike ride from Cardiff Bay Police Station to Land’s End.

Dave Granville will cycle the 450 miles in 48 hours in a bid to raise money for two local charities.

Dave, who works in the Major Events department, said: “I will be using the national cycle network on a journey that is a few yards short of 450 miles.

“My plan is to do it non-stop, apart from essential stops and puncture repairs, which means I am targeting an average speed of 10mph.

“Some people have laughed at my plan and say I will never do it, but I guess I will just have to prove them wrong.”

All money raised will be split between LATCH – the Welsh Children’s Cancer Charity – and the Noah’s Ark Appeal.

“I have chosen the Noah’s Ark Appeal because the care it provides to children in the area is essential and also Latch because they have been amazing supporting my colleague Sue since her three year old daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia,” said the father-of-two.

“The charity has provided Sue and her family with a wide variety of support from accommodation at the hospital, to filling in forms, to offering counselling to parents and siblings.

“The ride will be tough and perhaps lonely at times, but I am determined to do it and raise as much money at possible for two worthy causes.”

Dave sets off on June 18th.

For more information on Latch visit and to donate log onto

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