Older People’s Accommodation and Care needs in the Porthmadog Catchment Area

A report to be considered by councillors on 21 June is recommending that Gwynedd Council launches a comprehensive assessment in the Porthmadog catchment area to learn more about the views of local people about the care and accommodation needs of  the area’s older people over the coming decades.

If the recommendations are approved at the Full Council meeting, a period of listening in depth to the views and aspirations of local people will get underway. All the information collected will then be used to inform new discussions about the area’s future care and accommodation needs.

Gwynedd Council’s Cabinet Member for Care Services, Councillor R.H. Wyn Williams, said:

“We have listened closely to the concerns, comments and suggestions presented to us by local councillors, the residents and friends of Hafod y Gest, local people and council staff about the previous process. From this work it has become apparent that a much more complete picture of the needs and aspirations of local people is required.

“As a result, we are recommending that the Council starts anew by first of all inviting local residents to gives us their views on the best way forward.”

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