Torfaen Young Peoples Music and Arts Trust, which offers grants to support talented youngsters and help them reach their potential, is inviting applications for the next round of awards.
The trustees will be meeting on Monday, May 10 to review applications received to date, so anyone wishing to apply for a grant and be considered for an award must get their application to the trust administrator by Friday, May 7.
Applications are now accepted all year round and application assessments will be made at either the May or October application review meetings.
Only one grant per year may be granted per applicant.
The Torfaen Young People’s Music and Arts Trust was originally set up by Councillor Collette Thomas when she was Mayor in 2001/02.
By providing grants to young people, the Music and Arts Trust helps to cultivate and develop the artistic skills of young people in Torfaen. It does this by providing small grants to young people in Torfaen. The Trust is primarily reliant on funds obtained in the form of donations and on finances raised through its annual concert.
For full details about the qualifying criteria for the grant, visit the Young Peoples Music and Arts Trust area of the website.
If you would like further information please contact Verity Hiscocks, Trust Administrator on 01633 628968.