One-stop Shop in Conwy for Business Support Services

Business Cymru Wales ImageBusiness Wales and Conwy County Borough Council have joined forces to provide a one-stop shop for free business support.

A new initiative will see Business Wales advisor Carole Jones offer free advice and information at the Conwy Business Centre in Llandudno Junction every Thursday.

Carole will work alongside the council’s business officers at the centre, located just off the A55, to provide a comprehensive range of information to Conwy’s small to medium enterprises.

Carole, who previously held a senior role with electronics and engineering firm Siemens, said she was looking forward to working with businesses from across the county.

She said: “The Conwy Business Centre gives people a place to go where they know they can access business support. Anybody is welcome to drop in, or book an appointment through the Business Wales helpline (03000 6 03000).

“I’ll be providing a range of free information, such as advice on finance and funding, marketing and HR issues, as well as referring clients to our specialist advisors in matters like tendering or equality and diversity.

“I provide support across Anglesey, Gwynedd and Conwy, and this area in particular is extremely busy at the moment with a really diverse range of businesses, from sole traders to companies with 10 to 15 employees.

“When I was in business, there was nothing like Business Wales available. It’s a service I know would have been really valuable to me, and I hope we can help more people from across Conwy.”

Business Wales, the Welsh Government’s free business advice service, provides information on how to access support from the public, private and third sectors.

Jon Merrick, Conwy’s Business and Enterprise Development Manager, said: “This is a really exciting partnership that brings together expertise from both Business Wales and Conwy County Borough Council.

“Since the turn of the year, we’ve experienced a real upturn in the number of people getting in touch for various means of support, which indicates that businesses within Conwy are looking to grow and invest in the area.

“With this in mind, it’s great that there is a one-stop shop where business owners can go to receive free support and advice.

“Over the next six months, there will also be a number of informative events and courses held at the centre that will be of benefit to businesses.”

For more information on business support in Conwy, call Business Wales on 03000 6 03000, visit or for further information. Alternatively, visit for details of Conwy County Borough Council’s business support services.


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