“Only Plaid Cymru Offers Wales a Positive Future”

Rhun ap IorwerthRhun ap Iorwerth says Wales needs Plaid Cymru to fight for Welsh business

Speaking at the party conference in Cardiff, the Party of Wales AM – who beat UKIP in a resounding victory in the Ynys Mon by-election last year – said that only a vote for Plaid Cymru in May’s election could make sure that Wales’ voice is heard in Europe.

The Plaid Cymru Shadow Economy Minister went on to outline why Plaid Cymru is committed to providing a future for Wales in Europe. He said that the EU is the world’s largest trading bloc, and that Wales has an export-orientated economy.

The Party of Wales Shadow Economy Minister Rhun ap Iorwerth said:

“Europe is Wales’ biggest trading partner and our economic future depends on us being a part of it. At present, more than one in ten Welsh jobs is dependent on our access to the European Union – that’s 150,000 families in Wales whose incomes and livelihoods rely on that trade.

“Currently, Welsh exports to Europe are worth around £5 billion per year. Plaid Cymru would increase this further under the new Overseas Trade Initiatives that I outlined in the National Assembly last Wednesday – matching Welsh skills and expertise with international opportunities to manufacture goods and improve research and development here in Wales.

“But this prosperity is dependent on working in Europe. Wales has an export-orientated economy and that is why Ukip’s politics of division and fear do not chime with Welsh voters.

“Instead, Plaid Cymru has put forward plans for a positive future for Wales. Through plans such as a Bank of Wales, our business rates scheme that can lift 70,000 businesses out of business rates completely and our new Overseas Trade Initiative, the Party of Wales is offering a future of economic prosperity.

“Last summer, I won my election to the Assembly because the people of Ynys Mon recognised Plaid Cymru’s positive vision. The Party of Wales is the only party that puts Wales first at every possible opportunity. Only Plaid Cymru offers Wales a positive future.”

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