Opening a world of opportunities for all

Pupils with alternative learning needs, Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome at Blaengwawr Comprehensive School have enjoyed a series of fun taster sessions.

It is estimated there are nearly 1,400 people in Rhondda Cynon Taf who have Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome and can find it hard to interact with large groups of people or cope with new situations or surroundings.

To ensure the pupils remain confident and have the chance to experience the range of opportunities offered, the school’s dedicated Provision for Autism Spectrum Unit (PASE) and E3+ scheme are using investment from Building the Futures Together to offer new activities.

The scheme has allowed the young people to enjoy activities in their own time and in a familiar environment.

So far, they have taken part in cookery, table tennis, gardening, reading and yoga.

The aim of the sessions to help the young people secure the skills and confidence they need to remain comfortable in school and other surroundings.

It is also vital they enjoy access to the wide range of opportunities offered by Services for Young People, including E3+.

The project gives young people a sense of achievement and the opportunity to take part in activities and build positive relationships with each other.

Councillor Eudine Hanagan, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning, said: “Building the Future Together has allowed us to extend and develop E3+ provision and ensure everyone can enjoy it, including the pupils with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.”


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