Opening Doors: Languages in Wales and the World

Swansea University’s Department of Languages, Translation and Media will be opening its doors to pupils, teachers and careers advisors from local secondary schools to highlight the varied opportunities to study Modern Languages at university and how they can put their new skills to use after graduation.

At this one day ‘Opening Doors’ conference on 25th January, pupils will experience lectures and seminars and have the opportunity of working in the university’s language laboratories. Throughout the event, they will hear key messages about the importance of developing foreign language skills which will be reinforced by the activities.

Business representative Scott Evans of Cassidian will deliver the opening address and show the pupils how knowing a language can enhance their career prospects. He will speak of his own experiences and give examples of real jobs, available locally, that require foreign language skills.

To close, delegates will hear from Swansea University undergraduates who have recently returned from their intercalary year in countries such as France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. They will share their stories and will highlight the transferable skills they have acquired from working or studying abroad.

Julian Preece, Professor of German in the University’s Department of Languages, Translation and Media said:  “This conference for GCSE and A level pupils is one of a number of ways that Swansea University is working with local teachers to boost interest and performance in modern foreign languages. As a bilingual nation Wales should be uniquely placed in the UK to produce young people capable of communicating with our nearest European neighbours in their own tongue, but sadly other pressures on school curricula mean that we do not make the most of this natural advantage. On 25 January, the fightback begins!”


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