Operation Antler targets deer poaching

Police Operation Antler targets deer poaching in Port Talbot.

Forest Crime Officer PC Andrew Scourfield has been tackling the problem of deer poaching, with the help of Forestry Commission Rangers and the police helicopter.

During a two day clampdown on the problem, a number of vehicle check points were established across the Bryn and Goetre areas. PC Andrew along with colleagues from the police Firearms Tactical Unit stopped a number of people who were suspected of poaching and firearms offences. Patrols were conducted, with officers speaking to forest users about the problem.

The Operation which was called Antler was carried out in response to concerns raised by local farmers and the public.

PC Andrew Scourfield said “The operation brought together a range of resources to help tackle the problem of deer poaching. It helped raise awareness amongst forest users, and delivered a strong message that forest based crime will not be tolerated.”

PC Andrew continues “Armed officers and the helicopter were used for the first time during this type of operation, and this was well received by local farmers. Operations of this type will continue.”

As part of the operation Wildlife Ranger Adrian Thomas conducted an information sharing talk with the police and partners on the firearms used for poaching and what evidence to look for in regard to poaching offences.

If you have any information on deer poaching or other forest crime please report it Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

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