Operation B.A.N.G off to a good start

Over £10,000 worth of funding has been shared between diversionary projects across North Wales in a bid to help reduce anti-social behaviour throughout the Halloween and Bonfire period.

54 projects involving local Neighbourhood Policing Teams and the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service have been awarded funding made available through Community Fire Safety and the North Wales Arson Reduction Team and facilitated through PACT (Police and Community Trust).

“The funding has been awarded as part of Operation B.A.N.G (Be a Nice Guy) which is a joint all Wales initiative between the four Welsh police forces and three Fires and Rescue Services,” said Alan Bevan from North Wales Police’s PACT programme.

“Policing teams across North Wales made a bid for the money in order to hold diversionary activities such as Halloween parties to engage with the youngsters in their local communities and act as a diversion away from anti social alternatives.

He added: “We know that there is excellent work ongoing out there and we hope the activities will help foster better relationships between police, other agencies and young people. The teams should be congratulated for all their effort and hard work.”

Activities across the Force area include Halloween parties and discos with fancy dress competitions and organised bonfire displays. In many of the areas the diversionary activities are being given as part of a reward for the young people’s good behaviour within their community by taking part in activities such as litter picks.

Gareth Griffiths, Senior Fire Safety Manager, said: “We want to support any organised bonfire and fireworks which North Wales Fire and Rescue Service or North Wales Police are involved with, as these are safest way to enjoy bonfire celebrations.

“We urge everyone to attend an organised display as they are also a cheaper way to enjoy the evening. By helping to support these initiatives we are able to reach a lot of youngsters to get the safety messages about both Halloween and bonfire celebrations so that everyone in the region can enjoy a safe and happy time.”

Operation B.A.N.G will also see police officers and Community Support Officers visiting schools and youth clubs to give talks on personal safety and the impact of anti social behaviour on others. Posters – one welcoming Trick or Treaters and the other asking callers to move on are already in the process of being distributed to vulnerable residents.

If you would like further information regarding activities that are ongoing in your area, or if you would like to receive a copy of the posters available, please contact a member of your local Neighbourhood Policing Team by calling 101, or log onto the force website where contact details for individual members of your team are available.

For further details regarding organised firework displays in your area log onto the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service website – www.nwales-firservice.org.uk

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