Operation Kerosene continues in West Conwy

Child safety outside schools is high on the agenda for police in West Conwy as they prepare to embark on a new phase of Operation Kerosene.

Starting tomorrow (Friday, February 11) officers across the District will again be focusing their attention on road safety issues – however this time the main focus will be on tackling motorists who ignore parking restrictions by stopping or leaving their vehicles in dangerous locations outside schools. A second part of Operation Kerosene will also see officers address a further issue of speeding.

The new drive is being headed by Sergeant Julie Sheard, who explained: “Consistent feedback has been received from our local communities via Balance Your Bobbies and the Neighbourhood Policing Teams that parking in and around the vast majority of schools in the District is a constant and dangerous problem”.

“Parking restrictions outside schools are there for a purpose and ignoring them is not only an offence but it can put the safety of schoolchildren and other pedestrians at risk,” added Sgt Sheard. “We are determined to tackle this. Starting Friday, our Neighbourhood Policing Teams will be present outside the schools to offer advice to parents and staff regarding inappropriate stopping and parking outside the school premises.

“Following on from this, officers will be attending the school to enforce the penalties for parking or stopping in a dangerous or inappropriate location. Emphasis here will be on any disregard for zigzags, double yellow lines or any other identified activity that poses a danger to other road users, particularly the pupils at the school”.

Schools and parents will receive a letter in advance informing them of the initiative.

Operation Kerosene will run from Friday February 11th until Tuesday April 12th. It will also be addressing another local issue – that of speeding.

Sgt Sheard added: “A secondary area of concern around road safety within the District is speeding vehicles on a section of the A470 in Llandudno. There is a 40 mile per hour zone and officers will continue to patrol in a bid to ensure that all motorists adhere to the limit”.

“We want to ensure that everyone is able to use the roads safely and when appropriate, we will continue to highlight and educate motorists on the dangers posed by unlawful driving.”

Photograph: PCSO Jill Buerdsell, PC Gary Donnelly and Special Constable Sian Roberts are all pictured with the advisory leaflets that officers will be handing out about parking on zigzag lines outside schools

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