Operation Snooper Pooper Flintshire

Flintshire County Council and North Wales Police start the third action week on the 22nd November against persistent dog fouling offenders who allow their dogs to pollute the environment.

More 250 dog walkers were spoken to during the first two targeted weeks of the campaign and between those campaign weeks. The response from most dog walkers and the general public has been very positive

Flintshire County Councils Executive Member for Public Protection said “We are delighted with the positive response received from both dog owners and members of the public who have given us their full backing in addressing this issue which is high on the public agenda.

“Responsible dog owners have thanked us for targeting the persistent offenders who are giving all dog owners a bad name. We will continue to address this particular problem and ask members of the public to work with us to target those persistent offenders and help to keep our local environment clean and safe for our children”.

The council and police have been working together are delighted with the public support and information provided which has helped them target specific problem areas.

The early part of the campaign has been about raising awareness and giving people advice on the importance of cleaning up dog mess and the dangers it poses, particularly for children.

Police Community Support Officer’s and council staff have also been gathering evidence about where the incidence of dog fouling is high and which will require more concentrated enforcement.

Inspector Paul Firth welcomes the public support but warns those dog owners who continue to flout the council’s dog control order.

He said: “We will not hesitate to issue tickets and prosecute offenders who continue to show complete disregard to this law and the advice we have given.

“Everyone should now be aware of this important public issue and we will ensure those persistent offenders are caught and if necessary, prosecuted.”

The council’s public protection team are encouraging people to report incidents of dog fouling, including times, places and names if possible, to [email protected] or by phoning 01352 703366 or 01352 703401.

The latest action is part of an on going campaign.

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