Organisations urged to look towards Green Grants initiative

Mohammad Asghar AM has urged organisations across South Wales East with green ambitions to look towards taking advantage of the Green Grants initiative.

The Green Insurance Company has launched the Grants scheme for a second year. The project offers communities throughout the UK the opportunity to apply for funding to help support local environmental projects.

A grant of up to £10,000 is available for a special project, with a further £30,000 available in individual grants of up to £2,000.

Mr Asghar, Assembly Member for South Wales East, said: “I would urge organisations across South Wales East with green objectives to apply for this Grant.

“This is an excellent initiative, which last year won the Business Sustainability Initiative of the Year at the British Insurer Awards 2011”.

Gordon Ross, spokesperson, said: “We were amazed by the response to the Green Grants initiative last year, and wanted to do something even bigger in 2011.

“The £10,000 grant could fund a great local environmental initiative while the £30,000 of smaller grants will ensure we are able to help projects all across the UK. We’re excited to see the applications which come in”.

The Green Insurance Company has set up an online application form available at and is inviting applications up until 30th November 2011.


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