Over 500 Score Top Marks in Capital’s Food Hygeine Rating

Over five hundred food businesses in Cardiff have achieved a top rating of five for having very good standards of hygiene following Cardiff County Council’s routine inspections.

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme operated by the Council in partnership with the Food Standards Agency rates the food hygiene standards of places where people eat or buy food, such as restaurants, takeaways, cafés, sandwich shops, pubs, and hotels to check that their hygiene standards meet legal requirements. Inspection results are also given to schools, hospitals and residential care homes.

The ratings are dependent on how hygienically food is handled, prepared, cooked, cooled and stored; the condition of the premises and its layout and facilities, and how the business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe.

Hygiene standards found at the inspections are rated on a scale ranging from zero at the bottom (which means ‘urgent improvement necessary’) to a top rating of five (‘very good’).

0 = Urgent improvement necessary

1 = Major improvement necessary

2 = Improvement necessary

3 = Generally satisfactory

4 = Good

5 = Very Good

Chairperson of Licensing Committee and Public Protection Committee, Councillor Ed Bridges, said: “Protecting the safety of consumers is a top priority for the Council. The food hygiene rating scheme not only allows people to make a more informed choice about where they choose to eat but also helps reduce the number of food poisoning cases. Having over five hundred food businesses with the highest rating is a credit to the capital city. I hope that their success will inspire others to achieve equally high standards.”

The ratings are available for anyone to view on the FSA website at food.gov.uk/ratings and the food business are given a sticker and certificate and encouraged to display these at the entrance to their premises. This means that their customers can easily see them and decide if they want to go in.

For further information contact: Food Safety Team on 029 20871128 or email [email protected]


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