Overview and Scrutiny Board shortlisted for UK award

Councillors in Swansea who are helping make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children have been nominated for a top award.

The Council’s Child and Family Services Overview and Scrutiny Board was established two years ago in the wake of critical reports of the council’s services. It’s aim was to help in the drive to improve the support the authority gives to vulnerable young people.

Since then Child and Family Services have been transformed and now the board’s effective contributions have come under the spotlight after it was shortlisted for Team of the Year in the UK-wide Good Scrutiny Awards.

The board has already drawn praise from Welsh Assembly Government Ministers and the Care and Social Services Inspectorate for Wales (CSSIW) for its ability to overcome political differences and work together in the interests of children.

It was praised for its scrutiny role of issues such as the closure of two local children’s homes which the CSSIW had deemed no longer fit for purpose.

It has also worked on recruitment and retention of social workers, services for disabled children, fostering, and spreading the ethos of Corporate Parenting to councillors and across the council.

It is currently analysing the effectiveness of help provided for those leaving care.

Mark Child, out-going Chair of the Board, said he was proud the work being done in Swansea was gaining wider recognition.

He added: “I am pleased that scrutiny has been highlighted as one of the ways that we have managed to gain improvements in Child and Family Services. I look forward to this work continuing to help bring further improvements over the coming months and years.”

Cllr Paxton Hood Williams, who has been named as the new Chair added: “It is very pleasing that the work of the Board has got national recognition. It is more pleasing that, as a team, we have been able to make a significant contribution to the department’s improvement in properly protecting and supporting vulnerable children in Swansea.

“Certainly the Board will continue to work to further enhance that improvement.”

The Good Scrutiny Awards are organised by the UK’s Centre for Public Scrutiny (CFPS), an organisation which promotes scrutiny and accountability as a way to improve the quality of public services.

It is supported by the Local Government Association and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

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