PACT partnership works for Penywaun residents

Crime-fighting partners in the Cynon Valley have launched a zero tolerance campaign against crime and anti-social behaviour in Penywaun, following calls from residents.

Individuals whose behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable by partners will find themselves subject to Acceptable Behaviour Contracts, Anti-Social Behaviour Orders and may also be evicted from their homes.

The launch of the campaign is being delivered by RCT Homes, South Wales Police and Council Anti Social Behaviour Officers, working together under the Community Safety Partnership.

It began following a recent Partnership and Communities Together (PACT) meeting where large numbers of the community attended to highlight unacceptable issues they were suffering, including verbal abuse, vandalism, burglary, alcohol abuse and other criminal activity.

The catalogue of crime and disorder caused such concerns that partner agencies immediately began a joint plan of action.

Evidence has been gathered against individuals who will be considered for Acceptable Behaviour Contracts that will put in place strict standards of behaviour expected.

RCT Homes has also taken action against the tenancies of certain offenders, issuing Notices of Seeking Possession against those tenants identified as breaking their tenancy agreements through persistent anti-social behaviour.

Sonia Dellay, RCT Homes Community Safety Officer said,

“The PACT meeting was a real turning point for Penywaun as a community as we were able to get the information we needed to tackle these issues of anti social behaviour head on. By working in partnership with the community all organisations involved can share information and work together to offer a more effective solution.

“The community are supportive and recognise that, for this to work, in many cases we would need them to stand up and give evidence. We are looking to continue this proactive approach to community safety, ensuring Penywaun residents can enjoy living in their homes and community.”

Phil Bevan, Head of the Community Safety Partnership, said: “This is a key example of partnership in action.

“No one agency can work in isolation to effectively tackle the issues being faced in Penywaun. That is why we have all joined forces with the community itself to look at the issues and what part we all play in the solutions.

“The partnership has an excellent track record of dealing with anti-social behaviour, we will not tolerate it and we have a team of expert officers who work to deal with offenders and establish a better quality of life for residents.

“This is not a short-term fix, we have listened to the residents of Penywaun and will work to improve the situation.

“The key to that long-term success is the continued support and cooperation of residents, so we can work with them to ensure they have ownership of where they live – and feel safe and proud in their communities.”

Inspector Steve Meek, in charge of Neighbourhood Policing in the Cynon Valley, said:

“Members of the local community have raised an issue via the Pact process and as always, when this happens, we will work with our partners to take action.

“Everyone has the right to feel safe in their own community and we will not tolerate the minority of people who are determined to commit crime and disrupt peaceful life in the Cynon Valley.

“Anti social behaviour orders are a last resort once all other avenues have been considered and exhausted, but it remains an option that we will take if necessary.”

Photograph: PC Sian Weyman and PCSO Andrea Crawley from the Cynon Valley Neighbourhood Policing Team are pictured with RCT Homes Community Safety Officer Sonia Dellay

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