Parents Warned About ‘Bling’ Dummies

Cardiff Trading Standards is warning parents not to buy potentially dangerous ‘bling dummies’ for small children.

The dummies are often made by well-known manufacturers and then decorated with both beads and gems by a third party. Widely sold on internet auction sites, they are a popular accessory for babies and young children, particularly for special occasions.

However Trading Standards officers have been alerted to potential safety risks after the dummies failed relevant safety standards testing. The hand-glued beads and gems are easily detached, and could easily choke a baby or small child. The glue used to secure the gems can block air holes and prevent adequate sterilisation. The safety of the glue used on the dummies is also unknown.

Similar decorations can also be found on some dummy clips which Trading Standards is warning could be equally harmful. Councillor Judith Woodman, Executive Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice said: “While the dummies may look novel, they appear to be unsafe and should not be given to babies or young children under any circumstances.” For more information or if you have any concerns, please contact Cardiff Trading Standards on 02920 872 059.


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