Parrott: Growth in Employment Good News but more can be done in Wales

Eluned Parrott AM Portrait 2Figures released today show that the rate of employment has grown with over 36,000 more people in work across Wales compared to this time last year.

Responding to these figures, Eluned Parrott, Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Business Minister said:

“The Economy is picking up and along with a rise in wages people are beginning to feeling it, employment figures are on the up and the number of people claiming unemployment benefit is on the way down, but there is still work to be done.

“Whilst this is good news, we mustn’t forget that The Welsh Government still has work to do in terms of job creation around Wales’ Enterprise Zones.

“We want to see Welsh businesses thrive and have the confidence to take on more staff enabling them to grow to their fullest potential.”


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