Partnership working brings new bus shelter for Undy

Standing in the rain waiting for a bus is a thing of the past for Undy residents now that they have two shelters at the junction of Elm Avenue and Main Road.

Local councillor James Harris explained: “This is the result of a joint effort between Monmouthshire County Council, Monmouthshire Housing Association (MHA), the community council and residents.  There has been much demand for these shelters and I’m very pleased to see them installed.”

Chair of the Magor with Undy Community Council, Donna James added: “This is an excellent example of partnership working to improve facilities and amenities in Magor and Undy.”

Also present at the opening ceremony on March 19th was MHA’s tenant and resident co-ordinator, Rob Carey.  Rob said: “MHA is delighted to be involved and responding to tenants’ needs.  Providing a bus shelter demonstrates that we’re not only just about bricks and mortar, we’re also about people”.

Photograph: left to right – Rob Carey, Donna James, Margaret Ellis (local resident), Patricia Blair (local resident), Mark Youngman (MCC), C Cllr James Harris

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