Paying the Price for Litter

Cardiff Council has secured prosecutions against two defendants for littering our streets and one for carrying waste without a license.

Miss Rebecca Williams from Cardiff was caught discarding a cigarette end on the pavement in the city centre during her break in September last year.  When approached by an enforcement officer she refused to give her name and ran off back into her place of work. The officer followed her back into her place of work to establish her details. She was prosecuted this week for littering and fined £100 and for not giving her details a further £50 with costs of £90 and a victim surcharge of £15.

Christa Pitman, also from Cardiff, a smoker who was caught littering on a recent operation in the city centre failed to attend court and was fined in her absence £100 with £80 costs and a £15 surcharge.

Finally, Ceri Pearce, again from Cardiff, was stopped on a multi public agency exercise and was reported for carrying waste without a license. He was fined £250 with £160 costs and a £15 surcharge.

A Council Spokesperson said, “All citizens have a duty to dispose of cigarette butts and carry waste in a responsible manner.  Littering of this nature impacts on our everyday environment and cannot be tolerated.  There are more than enough receptacles for people to use and there is no excuse for tossing any kind of rubbish on the floor.  Cardiff Council works extremely hard to ensure our streets are as clean as possible and the vast majority of people help us in this goal.  The message has to go out that those who wilfully litter our streets will face prosecution.”

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