Plaid accuses Labour of facing both ways on VAT

Plaid Cymru has  launched a stinging attack on Labour in the Senedd, accusing the party of facing both ways on VAT.

Plaid Cymru AM Simon Thomas made the attack during a Plaid Cymru debate on UK funding cuts and their impact on Wales.

Mr Thomas highlighted Plaid Cymru attempts in Westminster in pushing the ‘ConDem’ government for a temporary cut in VAT which the three UK parties, including Labour had failed to support.

The Plaid AM for Mid and West Wales said that while Labour politicians liked to make all the right noises by publicly calling for temporary VAT cuts but, when push came to shove, on two separate occasions since the Westminster elections, they failed to act.

Plaid Cymru AM for Mid and West Wales, Simon Thomas, said:

“Labour politicians claim that they want to help those struggling to cope and yet when it comes to down to it they fail to take the action necessary.  Labour’s hypocrisy on VAT is jaw dropping.  One minute they’re arguing for a temporary VAT cut – but when the opportunity to act arises, they sit on their hands.

“Twice, recently Plaid Cymru has led moves in Westminster to reduce the VAT rate temporarily in order to help those struggling to cope in the current economic climate.  Twice, Labour MPs failed to vote in favour of the VAT cut.

“The Labour Shadow Chancellor and the Shadow Minister for Wales have both backed, very publicly, a temporary cut in VAT.  Yet Labour MPs have failed to act on this and vote in favour of a temporary VAT cut.

“Labour has lost any credibility on this issue and the people of Wales are set to suffer this added burden on top of the ConDem government’s cuts agenda.

“VAT is a highly regressive tax which hurts the most vulnerable in society.  With economic growth struggling, a temporary cut in VAT would have helped families under pressure.”

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