Plaid AM Call for Pay Freeze as Cardiff Uni’s Top Man’s Pay, Pension Rises 30% in 5 Years

Plaid Cymru AM Leanne Wood is calling for university bosses to accept wage freezes after it was revealed Cardiff University’s Vice Chancellor’s salary and pension package rose almost 30% in just five years.

Dr David Grant received a salary of £245,000 a year in 2010 – £110,000 more than Wales’ First Minister Carwyn Jones. Prime Minister David Cameron is entitled to around £197,000 a year, but takes £142,500.

His salary has risen from £200,000 in 2006 while contributions towards his pension have doubled from £19,000 to £38,000 in just five years, according to research by the South Wales Central AM’s office.

Seven other Cardiff University academics received more than £150,000 with 223 being paid more than £100,000 a year during the 2010 academic year.

Leanne Wood said: “We keep being told by the Westminster Coalition Government that we are all in it together. That message doesn’t seem to have found its way to academia.

“There must be a comprehensive review of all top pay in the public sector as a matter of urgency because those at the lower end of the pay scales cannot be expected to see their living standards drop while others sit on very hefty and growing salaries. Vice Chancellors and other public sector leaders should show the way.

“The university’s remuneration committee determines the packages of the most senior staff, including the Vice Chancellor, but they are clearly out of touch with the tough current economic situation. Top earners should not be protected at the expense of the lower paid.

“A near 30 per cent rise in the Vice-Chancellor’s salary and pension package cannot in any way be justified and I note that the pension contributions made by the university have doubled from £19,000 to £38,000 in five years,” added the Plaid AM.

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