Plaid AM Calls for Barry Island Beach Litter Patrols to Increase

Plaid Cymru AM Chris Franks has called for Barry Island’s main tourist attraction to be given more attention by the Vale of Glamorgan council after it was left in an “appalling condition” following a beach party.

Mr Franks has also condemned the actions of drinkers who congregate at the resort’s main beach, Whitmore Bay, and fail to clean up after themselves.  Following one weekend earlier this year, the beach was left in a particularly bad condition with empty alcohol bottles and cans strewn across the Bay’s golden sands.

Mr Franks subsequently wrote to the Vale of Glamorgan council after concerns were made to him about the mess. In a letter of reply, Councillor Geoffrey Cox, cabinet member for Visible and Building Services, said during the weekend in question on April 17th and 18th a lack of police resources meant there was “difficulty in controlling the consumption of alcohol on the Saturday evening.” He admitted this lead to the beach being left in an “appalling condition.”

Councillor Cox also admitted the local authority’s “off-season” staffing levels at the time were not strong enough to “address cleansing problems” caused by the gathering.

The councillor added: “This was an isolated incident, as the general standard of cleanliness of Whitmore Bay, all year round, is very high.”

Mr Franks said: “I was very concerned to hear that Whitmore Bay was left in such a disgusting state.  It is unacceptable that scores of drinkers dropped their cans and bottles all over the sands. They should be more responsible and leave no trace behind.

“The beach is undeniably the main attraction at Barry Island these days and if there were any first-time visitors that weekend, Plaid fears that they won’t be coming back after seeing the sorry state the beach was left in.

Plaid believes the council could do more to protect the image of Barry Island by introducing more flexibility in their staffing levels to legislate for the potential of hotter weather and therefore a busier beach.

“The council needs to be prepared to clean up after unforeseen events such as this during unseasonal warm weather.

“Patrols should be stepped up so that the beach can be restored to its pristine condition swiftly in the event of another gathering of this magnitude.  The good reputation of Barry Island beach, which has taken years to build up, could be at risk if it suffers regular repeats of this unfortunate episode.”

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