Plaid AM Calls for Minister for Valleys

Plaid Cymru’s Leanne Wood has called for a Minister for the valleys of southern Wales in a bid to regenerate the local economy.

The AM for South Wales Central said a dedicated programme, overseen by a Welsh Assembly Cabinet Member, with responsibility for nothing else was needed to revitalise the former mining communities in the valleys of Rhondda, Cynon, Rhymney, Gwent and Merthyr.

Rhondda-based Ms Wood told the Plaid Cymru conference at Aberystwyth that research had shown the valleys has fared much worse in the years following the demise of the coal industry when compared to South Yorkshire and Lothian areas.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation found that between 1998 and 2003 there was just 2% employment growth in the valleys – 0% for men and 4% for women.  In Cardiff there was 18.3% growth.  In the comparator coalfield areas there was 7.8% growth in Lothian and 9.5% growth in South Yorkshire.

Ms Wood’s vision for transforming the valleys is contained within a long-term plan called ‘Green-print for the Valleys.’  It aims to ensure that jobs with a minimum income are generated to reduce high levels of unemployment, renewable energy is promoted, green education is introduced to schools and that housing is improved and made more environmentally friendly.

In her speech as part of the motion to conference, Ms Wood said: “…the future for the valleys does not need to be bleak.  We have ample resources, both in our natural environment and in our people to create good future for the valleys.

“History shows us that in difficult times the valleys will suffer disproportionately.  Are these trends inevitable?

“Our mining ancestors did not take the challenges they faced lying down.  Their battles delivered many of the basic working rights we still enjoy today.

“The valleys have a proud history.  We can have a proud future too.  People in the valleys are used to taking blows.  We are also used to working together to overcome difficulties.”

She added: “We needn’t have a Valleys Minister for more than one term.  If a job creation pilot scheme is a success in the valleys it can be rolled out everywhere and there will be no need for a valleys minister then.

“The valleys are a great place to live – we still have real community spirit and valleys people deserve a future.

“The valleys have been neglected politically and after 30 years of decline will not be able to take much more.  The valleys deserve the attention of the nation.  Let’s give the valleys the attention they deserve.”


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