Plaid AM raises Cardiff City season tickets row in Assembly

The failure of Cardiff City to keep its promise to invest funds from the sale of season tickets to fans on new players was raised at the National Assembly today by Plaid AM Leanne Wood.

Leanne Wood, South Wales Central AM, also quizzed Sports Minister Alun Ffred Jones about the football club’s financial troubles.

She asked: “Do you share my concern that fans of Cardiff City Football Club were promised that if they bought their season-tickets early for next season the funds would be invested in new players – the so-called Golden Ticket – but that the management reneged on the offer? Many fans believe that they were misled by Peter Ridsdale (club chairman).

“Do you also share fans’ concerns about the future of Cardiff City, one of Wales’ top football clubs, because of very significant financial challenges faced by the club that have been highlighted in the media? I’m aware that a number of football clubs across the UK appear to face similar financial issues.”

Responding the Minister said: “I am not in a position to comment on the situation with Cardiff City Football Club. The fans who have been loyal and raucous to the team deserved to be told the true story.

“Though the stories this morning about the general state of football clubs in the UK and the huge debts they have racked up give great cause for concern.”


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