Plaid: Broadcasting Powers Could Bolster Creative Industry

Simon Thomas AMThe Party of Wales has published its vision for the future of Welsh broadcasting and has made the case for the devolution of powers over broadcasting to the National Assembly for Wales in order to deliver more accountability.

The party’s Shadow Minister for Broadcasting Simon Thomas said that devolving the powers is an important economic step to take as well as delivering more accountability and responsibility.

The Party of Wales has today launched a paper that outlines why a Welsh Government should take control of these powers.

Mr Thomas said that the future of broadcasting is currently being threatened by a number of factors, including cuts to budgets, job losses and a loss of services. The paper states that devolved these powers would ensure that the people of Wales are better served democratically, culturally, economically and linguistically.

The Party of Wales Shadow Minister for Broadcasting Simon Thomas said:

“In Wales, we have a strong and dynamic broadcast industry, but that has come under threat. Due to budget cuts, service cuts, and job cuts, there is a real danger that the media that services and defines the people of Wales is weakening.  This is both an economic threat and a cultural one.

“Devolving these powers would help us protect it. By giving the Welsh Government responsibility over broadcast policy, we can give broadcasters long-term security for their budgets, which creates a more stable economic future for them, and for investors who may be considering coming to Wales.

“There are also important considerations about procurement. A company that provides services that are focused on Wales, or perhaps in Welsh, is much more likely to be based in Wales.

“Ultimately, we can make sure that we have a service that meets the needs of the people of Wales, and better serves them democratically, culturally, economically and linguistically.”

The Party of Wales spokesperson on Broadcasting Bethan Jenkins said:

“Devolving these powers will mean that a Welsh Government will be able to protect this important industry that employs thousands of people in every part of Wales.

“Plaid Cymru firmly believes that these powers are better placed in the hands of the people of Wales, and we have made this clear in our submission to the second part of the Silk Commission.”


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