Plaid candidate steps down as Risca East candidate

One of three Plaid Cymru candidates in the Risca East ward has withdrawn from next week’s election – although his name will remain on the ballot paper.

Ian Ackerman said that he is unable to stand for personal reasons but urged voters to support the other two Plaid candidates, Brian Hancock and Matthew Farrell.

Ian Ackerman said: “I regret having to withdraw at this very late time. Unfortunately, personal issues have come up which make it impossible for me to stand for election and I apologise for any inconvenience.

“I would urge electors in the Risca East ward not to cast their votes for me but to support the other two excellent Plaid Cymru candidates, Brian Hancock and Matthew Farrell.”

Brian Hancock said: “I appreciate that Ian’s personal situation has changed since he originally agreed to stand for Plaid. It is unfortunate that his withdrawal comes after the ballot papers were printed.

“I would urge electors in Risca East not to waste a vote by casting it for Ian but to support the two other Plaid Cymru candidates, who will be real champions for the community if elected on May 3rd.

“Plaid has an excellent record in Caerphilly, freezing council tax for two years, opening new libraries including Risca Palace and providing 160 apprentice and training places for our young people at this very difficult time economically.”


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