Plaid Candidates Highlight Importance of Europe as £5bn Trading Partner

european_flagThe European single market is a trade network that Wales cannot afford to lose. That was the message of Plaid Cymru’s leader and candidates for the European election as they visited Cardiff Docks today.

The Party of Wales representatives visited the docks to highlight the huge economic value of trading with Europe, and reiterate Plaid Cymru’s commitment to securing a future for Wales as an European trading nation. Whilst recognising Wales’ success in boosting its trade to North America, Asia and non-EU destinations, the party has pointed out that business and trade unions in Wales both see continued EU membership as essential to both the economy and to exports.

The Party of Wales leader Leanne Wood said:

“Cardiff Docks illustrate both our history and our future potential as a trading nation. Wales’ modern history has been based on exporting to the rest of the world. Plaid Cymru believes that our future prosperity will depend on having strong trade.

“This means supporting our ports. Cardiff is one of our key ports and we want to allow it to grow on an international level.

“It is a fact that 150,000 Welsh jobs  are directly linked to our current access to the EU Single Market. Welsh exports to the rest of the EU are worth more than £5bn, every year. This involves 600 exporting companies, and accounts for 43% of our total exports. We have more than 450 EU companies from outside the UK resident in Wales, employing some 50,000 people. These are big numbers of jobs for a country like ours, but we know that in Europe small countries can prosper.”

The Plaid Cymru’s Jill Evans MEP said:

“Wales needs Europe, but Wales needs Plaid Cymru in Europe. The Party of Wales offers a distinctive Welsh voice and tells the other countries that Wales is a nation and a partner for investment and trade.

“What Plaid Cymru is adamant about is that staying in the EU is vitally important if we are to ensure access to the European single market. Every Plaid Cymru Member of the European Parliament will be a voice for Welsh business and Welsh workers, ensuring that we remain part of this network of more than half a billion people.

“Only Plaid Cymru puts Wales First in Europe.”

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